No, we do not allow streaming audio/video content as well as proxy servers to be hosted on shared servers. Please read on.
Audio/video streaming and proxy software implies a high level of bandwidth and resources usage. In the majority of cases, this level rises to values that are definitely higher than 30% of all server resources we allow to use at a moment of time. In other words, streaming content is not a crime when it is not creating difficulties for other people using the same server. For example, we can allow our clients to host several audio files and playback them on their sites. But when it comes to hosting a media library, we can not allow this, because potentially, such content can cause unfair resources division and even overload.
Please note: Downloadable files and media must comply with the limitation that a maximum of 50GB of a shared hosting account storage can be allocated to music, video or other multimedia files including but not limited to .aac, .avi, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .jpg, .png, .gif files. You will be required to move to a VPS or Dedicated server if your website goes over this limit.
When you are planning to host sites with media content, VPS or Dedicated servers can be a solution.
Our shared hosting accounts do not support streaming video, but you can still display a video on your site by embedding a video file such as an MPG or AVI into your Web page. Site visitors download the video file to their computer while it plays onscreen. Although this is not technically streaming video, viewers can still watch the video as it is being downloaded.