How to Setup & Access your Custom email (cPanel) on Android phone using Gmail App

How to Setup & Access your Custom email (cPanel) on Android phone using Gmail App:
1.Open you Gmail App on your phone.

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Screenshot 2

2.Tap on the Menu Icon on your top left.

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3.Scroll down and Tap on Settings.

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Screenshot 4

4.Tapon Add account

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Screenshot 5

5. Tap on Other to add your custom email and select Next to proceed

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Screenshot 7

6.Select Personal(IMAP)

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Screenshot 8

7.Enter the Password for your custom email and Tap on Next.

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Screenshot 9 1

8. Add mail. to the domain in the Incoming Server text area and Tap Next.

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Screenshot 26

9. Add mail. to the domain in the SMTP Server text area and Tap Next.

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Screenshot 27

10. Tap Next at the Account Options page.

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Screenshot 12 1

11. Enter Your Name that should be displayed when you send message and Tap Next.

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Screenshot 13 1

12.Your Custom Email is successfully created.

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Screenshot 14

How to Access your Custom Email:
13. Tap on back arrow.

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Screenshot 28

14. Tap on your Account Icon on your upper right.

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Screenshot 15

15.Tap on the Custom Email you just added.

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Screenshot 16

16. Your inbox page opens.

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Screenshot 17

How to Delete Custom Email on Android phone on your Gmail App:
17. Open the Gmail App on your Android Phone.

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Screenshot 18

18. Tap on the Menu Icon on your top left.

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Screenshot 3

19.Scroll down and Tap on Settings.

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Screenshot 4

20. Tap on the Three dots on your top right corner.

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Screenshot 21

21. Tap on Manage Accounts.

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Screenshot 22

22.Select the Account you want to Delete.

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Screenshot 23

23. Tap on Remove Account.

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Screenshot 24

24. Confirm Deletion by Tapping on Remove Account again.

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Screenshot 25

25. Account deleted Successfully.

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Screenshot 29




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