.RU is the country code domain for the Russian Federation. It is operated by the Russian registry RU Center.
The .RU registry asks that companies provide a copy of the registering company’s Certificate of Registration or an excerpt from the Commercial Register. Individuals are requested to provide your ID card or passport number.
Contact Details related Rules
- .RU domain names use the .RU Contact Contact database in the system..RU domain names have a single Contact – Registrant Contact
- While registering a .RU domain name, you need to provide the following additional details about the Registrant:
- For Organization:
- Legal Address: This needs to include a minimum of 2 words. This indicates the place of incorporation, including Country of incorporation of the Organization.Example:New York, U.S.A.
- Taxpayer Identification Number (code): This is a 10 digit number and is mandatory for Organizations incorporated in Russia.
- Territory-linked Taxpayer Number (kpp): This is the Territory-linked Taxpayer number. This is a 9 digit number and is mandatory for Organizations incorporated in Russia.
- Full Company Name: This is the legally registered company name, as mentioned in the Company Formation documents.
- For Individual:
- Registrant’s Name (preferably in Russian)
- Taxpayer ID Number (TIN)
- Passport Information: This needs to include the Document number, Issued by, Issued Date of the Passport.
- Birth Date: This needs to be entered as a numeric value in DD.MM.YYYY format.
- For Organization: