What is a Dedicated IP Address?

What is a Dedicated IP Address?

IP stands for Internet Protocol and is defined as a unique address assigned to each computer that is connected to a certain network. Internet Protocol address plays the role of a unique identifier that is used to provide valid location of a machine or a website in a given network.

What is the difference between a Shared and Dedicated IP address?

The difference between shared and dedicated IP addresses is quite simple. A shared IP address is a single address used by multiple websites within one web server. In this case, the web server should do some extra work, parsing the user’s request to the correct website. Having a Dedicated IP address means that the website has its very own address, and you can use either this IP address or the domain name of your website to access it from the web. For a more obvious example, please check the diagram below:



What are the advantages of a Dedicated IP?

  • Dedicated IP addresses are very exclusive and secure, while shared IP addresses are not. Most domain names share their IP addresses with hundreds of domain names. Therefore, if one domain name causes issues, all of the domain names can be impacted.
  • Some search engines or ISPs will penalize an IP address if one of its domain names sends spam email. With a Dedicated IP, you can avoid the disadvantages that come with sharing your IP address with other users.
  • Online experts believe that a static IP or Dedicated IP address can boost search engine ranking results. Search engines like unique addresses because your domain name isn’t associated with or connected to other domain names.

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