How to create a database in your cPanel
1. Login to your cPanel and click on Manage My Databases.
2. Under Create New Database, type the name of your database in the New Database field (Example: new_database) and click on Create Database.
3. Under Database Users, create a new username|(Example: new_user), type your preferred password, or click on Password Generator to generate a password.
(Note: Make sure to copy and save your password created)
4. Click on the Create User button.
5. Under Add User to Database, select the User and Database you created.
6. Click on Add. This takes you to the manage User Privileges page.
(Note: It is significant that every database is connected to a user for the purpose of security.)
7. Click on ALL PRIVILEGES check box to select all privileges and click on Make Changes button.
8. Move to phpmyAdmin to confirm your database is created.
9. Done.