How to Fix NOT SECURE SIGN/Force HTTPS For your website.

If you have a secure socket layer certificate (SSL) on your website, you can automatically redirect visitors to the secured (HTTPS) version of your site for a secure connection. hosting uses cPanel and there is a simple tool in cPanel that will help you accomplish this.

Enforcing SSL for Main domain and Addon domain:

  1. Open a new tab and type
    Screenshot 25

    Screenshot 2

  2. Enter your domain name in the field provided and Click on the (I’m not a robot) to complete the recaptcha then Select Test Page.
    Screenshot 26

    Screenshot 26

  3. Click on the More Info at the far end of Force HTTPS.
    Screenshot 28

    Screenshot 28

  4. Copy Code provided in the rectangular grey box.
    Screenshot 29

    Screenshot 29

  5. Log into your cPanel. In the file section, Click on File Manager
    Screenshot 30

    Screenshot 30

  6. Select the public_html folder
    Screenshot 31

    Screenshot 31

  7. Search for .htaccess file. If not found, Click on Settings on the upper right corner.
    Screenshot 32

    Screenshot 32

  8. Select Show Hidden File and click on Save.                                                                                                                                                                    
    Screenshot 33

    Screenshot 33

  9. Note: If you don’t find the .htaccess file after enabling the “show hidden files”, you can create a new one by Clicking Add File icon in the top left corner.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Enter the name of the File i.e: .htaccess in the first file and Click on Create New File.
    Screenshot 40

    Screenshot 40

  10. Right Click on the .htaccess file then Select Edit.
    Screenshot 35

    Screenshot 35

  11. Click Edit again when the pop-up appears.
    Screenshot 36

    Screenshot 36

  12. Paste the Code you copied from the and Click on Save Changes.
    Screenshot 37

    Screenshot 37

  13. Go back to and retest the url.
    Scroll down to the bottom and Click on the (I’m not a robot) to complete the recaptcha the Select Test Page

    Screenshot 38

    Screenshot 38


  14. HTTPS have been verified.
    Screenshot 39

    Screenshot 39

  15. Enforcing SSL for Addon domains:
    Enter your domain name in the field provided and Click on the (I’m not a robot) to complete the recaptcha then Select Test Page.

    Screenshot 26

    Screenshot 26

  16. From the Test, SSL have not been activated unlike the Main domain.
    Screenshot 44

    Screenshot 44

  17. First activate SSL Status. Login to your cpanel in the search bar, type SSL/TLS Status.
    Screenshot 45

    Screenshot 45 

  18. Click on Run AutoSSL.
    Screenshot 46

    Screenshot 46

  19. Green Padlock Icon will confirm if it’s successful.
    Screenshot 47

    Screenshot 47

  20. Go back to
    Scroll down to the bottom and Click on the (I’m not a robot) to complete the recaptcha the Select Test Page.

    Screenshot 48

    Screenshot 48

  21. Click on the More Info at the far end of Force HTTPS
    Screenshot 28

    Screenshot 28

  22. Copy Code provided in the rectangular grey box.
    Screenshot 29

    Screenshot 29

  23. Log into your cPanel. In the file section, Click on File Manager
    Screenshot 30

    Screenshot 30

  24. Select the public_html folder
    Screenshot 31

    Screenshot 31

  25. Search for Addon domain directory i.e.(
    Screenshot 49

    Screenshot 49

  26. Right Click on the .htaccess file then Select Edit.
    Screenshot 35

    Screenshot 35

  27. Click Edit again when the pop-up appears.
    Screenshot 36

    Screenshot 36

  28. Paste the Code you copied from the and Click on Save Changes.
    Screenshot 37

    Screenshot 37

  29. Go back to and retest the url.
    Scroll down to the bottom and Click on the (I’m not a robot) to complete the recaptcha the Select Test Page

    Screenshot 38

    Screenshot 38

  30. HTTPS have been verified.
    Screenshot 39

    Screenshot 39

Your domain should now be using HTTPS.


If you have an existing .htaccess file:

  • Do not duplicate RewriteEngine On.
  • Make sure the lines beginning RewriteCond and RewriteRule immediately follow the already existing RewriteEngine On.

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